Claim Online

  1. current stepAbout you
  2. next stepcomponent.progressBar.claimType
  3. next stepWhat happened
  4. next stepItem details
  5. last stepSummary

Let's get started with your claim

The date the incident took place.

I agree with AAMI's Online Terms & Privacy Statement

The fastest way to make a claim is online. In fact, it only takes around 5 minutes!

You'll get your claim number instantly and can easily let us know if any emergency repairs are required.

Once lodged, your claim will be processed by our dedicated Claims Team, who will book any assessments, repairs, replacements and/or arrange payments related to your claim.

If we need any more information, we'll be in touch with you.

The simplest way to confirm your coverage and excess is to make a claim online. If an excess applies, we'll let you know immediately after you lodge your claim.

If your situation is urgent, you can easily let us know when you lodge your claim online. We'll quickly arrange a professional to complete emergency repairs to prevent further damage and keep you and your family safe.

Our dedicated team of online Claim Specialists are here to support you via live chat Mon-Fri 8am-9pm & weekends 9am-5pm (AEDT).