Insuring a home

Tips to avoid water damage at home while you’re on holiday

Coming home to water damage from a leak can really dampen your post-holiday joy. Learn how to reduce the risk of them happening while you’re away.

How to make renting with friends work

Moving in with friends is one of life’s great experiences. But it can go sour very quickly. Here are some simple renting rules to make it a little sweeter.

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Insuring a car

CTP insurance and comprehensive car insurance

What’s the difference and do I need both?

What is AAMI’s repairs process?

Discover the ins and outs of the car insurance repair process. Learn how to track your repair, what transport costs are covered and how AAMI Roadside Assist may help you out of a jam.

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Insuring a business

Make your business more flood ready with help from VICSES

Explore AAMI’s business insurance – now with flood cover as standard on all new and renewing policies – and enhance your flood resilience with the VICSES Floodsafe toolkit.

How to insure your micro business

Have you embraced your entrepreneurial spirit? Turned a brilliant idea or specific skillset into a successful small business? You may wish to consider insuring your micro business.

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