Customising your Car Insurance

Learn the simple ways you can customise your car insurance policy to make it just right for your driving needs.

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Fact or Fiction: It’s more expensive to insure a red car?

Is it more expensive to insure a red car? AAMI Answers busts this myth for good. (Hint: it shouldn’t be more expensive!)

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AAMI’s Authorised Repairs can help take away the stress

Being without your car can be stressful. That’s why AAMI offers a Lifetime Guarantee on all quality authorised repairs for Comprehensive Car Insurance.

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Drive less, pay less? It may be possible!

Driving less because of COVID-19? Learn how reducing the kms listed on your policy can help you save on your car insurance premium.

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Christmas Tips from Sven

Long journey this Christmas? Santa’s mechanic has you covered with his top tips for sleigh maintenance during the festive season.

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How long after a accident should I lodge a car insurance claim?

Learn when to make a claim on your policy and why we recommend doing so as soon as possible.

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