Fatigue is a leading contributor to incidents on our roads1. ​

To help keep drivers safe, AAMI has partnered with Driver Reviver sites across Australia - where you can stop and revive on long road trips. If you’re hitting the road for more than 2 hours, we suggest you add a Driver Reviver stop to your route. ​

Driver Reviver is a community program which has helped keep Aussie drivers safe for more than 30 years. It has volunteers from various organisations and community groups manning sites over long weekends and school holidays, when more people are likely to be taking road trips. It gives drivers the opportunity to take a break, enjoy a free hot drink, nibble on some biscuits and have a chat to the volunteers. ​

So when you’re planning your next trip, make sure you think about the journey, as well as the destination. ​

Find a Driver Reviver site in your state here

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