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Everything you need to know about underwriting in life insurance

The term ‘underwriting’ doesn’t have to be confusing. Here’s what you need to know about underwriting for life insurance and what it means for you.

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At what age should I take out life insurance?

As a young Australian, you might think you don’t need to even think about life insurance. You’re fit and healthy, and nothing could possibly go wrong. Right?

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A guide to buying income protection insurance

Your handy step-by-step guide to taking out an income protection insurance policy, to ensure you can pay your bills and maintain your lifestyle, if you can’t work due to sickness or injury.

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Sold! Can life insurance really help when buying a property?

It may not be the first thing you think about when buying a property, but life insurance can be a crucial step in the purchasing process to consider.

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Do I need life insurance if I’m young?

‘She’ll be right’ is common in the Aussie vernacular. Perhaps it’s why many young people believe they don’t need life insurance. But that couldn’t be further from the truth.

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How taking out the right life insurance policies can help cover a mortgage

Mortgage repayments are some of the biggest monthly expenses. So how will you cover your mortgage if you’re injured, diagnosed with an illness or pass away?

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