Top claims for retailers
(AAMI Business claims: Jan – Dec 2016)

Property Damage
Provides cover for damage to property at your premises from insured events such as flood, fire, lightning, and explosion.^ Exclusions may apply.

Back in Business
Provides cover for a reduction in your business revenue arising from interruption of your business by damage to your property caused by an insured event.

Provides cover for the cost of replacing your shop's contents & stock from theft, attempted theft, armed hold up or an actual/threatened assault. The average Retail theft claim is $2,786.
This is a summary only, so check the Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording for full details of what is and isn’t covered. It’s dry we know, but it’s essential reading.
Other covers
This is a summary only, so check the Product Disclosure Statement and Policy Wording for full details of what is and isn’t covered. It’s dry we know, but it’s essential reading.
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AAMI Public Liability
Frequently asked questions
Public Liability is your protection if you are found to be legally responsible for personal injury to a third party or damage to their property. Learn more about Public Liability Insurance.
Flood cover is automatically included (in the premium you pay) as part of the property damage section of your business insurance cover for new policies commencing or policies renewing on or after 7 December 2023.
However, we do not insure for flood in the first 72 hours of commencing a new policy or adding/changing the property damage section of your policy for the purposes of cover caused by flood. For more information on flood coverage and other exclusions, please review the SPDS.
Note: Cover for flood is optional for policies commenced or renewed prior to 7 December 2023. For more information, refer to the relevant PDS or contact us.
There are no forms to fill out – just call as soon as you can. We’re available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, on 13 22 44, and you will always speak to a real person. See information on how to make a business insurance claim.
^ We do not insure you for flood, bushfire or grass fire in the first 72 hours of commencing a new policy or adding property damage cover. Refer to the PDS for details.