Life Insurance
Life Insurance lifestage guide
Look at ways to protect yourself depending on your circumstances
Life insurance for each stage of life
Knowing what type of insurance you need can be tough. To help, we’ve created a lifestage guide that highlights some of the risks you may need to consider, depending on your circumstances.
Tom, 24, is a bricky. He’s single, plays footy for his local club, and loves to go out and have a good time on the weekend. Because he’s young, active and healthy, he sometimes feels like he’s bullet-proof. But because his work is hard yakka he knows there’s a chance of getting hurt, Tom took out an AAMI Income Protection Insurance policy to help cover his bills in case he was injured and unable to work
Jane, 29, and Oscar, 30, just bought their dream home in the country. They both work full-time and now that their partying days are over, they like to spend their weekends in the great outdoors. Because they rely on each other financially, they each took out an AAMI Income Protection and an AAMI Life Insurance policy to help cover the cost of their mortgage and other bills if one of them got sick, was injured and unable to work, or died unexpectedly.
Dina, 35, and Pete, 34, rent an inner-city apartment and are both flat-out working and looking after two young children. Pete’s a contractor and couldn’t work recently because of a broken foot that kept him laid up. When he was off work, they found it tough managing on only one income. Once Pete recovered, they decided to apply AAMI Income Protection insurance to help if one of them couldn’t work due to sickness and injury and AAMI Life Insurance to help out financially if one of them was no longer around.
Alison, 49, has a successful business, but she’s looking at her options to bring someone else in to help share the load because she’s after a better work-life balance. Now that Alison’s business plan is on track, she’s concerned that if she couldn’t work because of sickness or injury, it’d impact her lifestyle and stall her plans. Alison chose AAMI Income Protection so that she wouldn’t have to empty her savings or potentially increase her debt if she couldn’t work for a while.
Deb, 52, and Walt, 51, have three adult kids who’ve all moved out of home (finally!). They both work pretty close to home and love their new-found freedom. While Deb and Walt own their home, they help pay for Walt’s mum’s care. Deb and Walt each took out an AAMI Income Protection and an AAMI Life Insurance policy so they can continue to help out and stay on top of things if either of them was sick, injured or died unexpectedly.