How to minimise mould


Mould can be a significant issue after a major weather event like a cyclone or flood, especially if nothing’s done to try and prevent it spreading. Here are some practical steps to minimise the growth of mould.

Have the affected area cleaned

There are many home remedies circulating online about effective mould removal – such as using clove oil and vinegar. They may clean the mould affected area, but they won’t do a sufficient job nor kill all the mould particles. Instead, for effective long-term results, you could consider hiring a professional mould remover service to do the job.

Remove wet items

Any wet carpets, rugs, or upholstered furniture should be removed from the home as soon as possible. These materials can retain moisture and become breeding grounds for mould. If items are too large to move, use fans and dehumidifiers to dry them quickly.

Use your air conditioner in dry mode

Run your air conditioner on ‘Dry’ mode for anywhere from 30 minutes to several hours in the day, depending on the size of your rooms and home. Dry mode is indicated by a water droplet or teardrop symbol. Set the temperature to 23 degrees, this will be an effective temperature and is also environmentally efficient.

Running your air conditioner may cause visible mould particles to circulate, but the air filters usually capture them. If you find the filter isn’t working efficiently, you may need to clean it.

Use dehumidifiers

Running a dehumidifier can significantly reduce moisture levels in the air, making it harder for mould to grow. Place dehumidifiers in rooms that are most susceptible to dampness, such as bathrooms, and empty the water reservoir every week.

Allow airflow

If you don’t have an air conditioner, open your windows and doors to allow the flow of natural air. Just avoid opening the manhole to your ceiling. Opening your manhole has minimal impact on reducing humidity and may push unwanted insulation or dust particles into your living areas.

Use moisture absorbing kits

These kits can help in small spaces like cupboards, but also work well in smaller rooms. Just know they’re not as effective in larger areas like roof spaces. These kits will absorb the humidity from the air and will fill with water. These are available for purchase from most supermarkets and hardware stores. Keep in mind there may be limited stock after a major event.

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