Ways to save energy at home


A little effort can go a long way towards potentially saving money on your power bills. Here are some tips you can apply at home.

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Consider amping up your conservation

Use energy saving appliances

Energy star ratings aren’t just for show – they can also help you save. Appliances with a greater number of stars on the energy rating label are more energy efficient than similar models. Imagine enjoying your morning coffee, knowing your energy-efficient fridge is keeping things cool without hiking up your electricity bill.

Use LED light globes

It may be time to retire those old light bulbs and replace them with energy-efficient LED options. This easy switch is a great way to reduce your energy consumption.

Unplug and unwind

Unplugging devices that aren't in use is a simple yet effective way to reduce energy costs. Or, flick off the standby switch on the power point when your devices aren’t being used.

Monitor your heating and cooling

Use a fan

On warm days, why not give the air conditioner a break and opt for fans? If you position your fans right, you can enjoy a comfortable, cooling breeze for less. If you must turn the air-con on, follow these four steps:

  1. Turn on the air conditioner early in the day.
  2. Let the room get chilly.
  3. Turn off the air conditioner.
  4. Turn on the fans.

This can help improve cooled air circulation and keep your home cool. Ensure all the windows and doors are closed; you don’t want to let the cold out!

Insulate yourself

In the cooler months, consider layering up and closing your curtains before turning up the heater. This simple action helps retain heat, offering a snugger home environment.

Plan ahead

Time it right

Have you heard of 'peak' electricity times? By running your appliances during off-peak hours (such as early morning or late evening), you can save money on your electricity bill. The specific times for 'peak' hours change depending on your location, but generally, they occur from early morning to mid-morning and again from mid-afternoon to late evening. Canstar Blue have more information on ‘peak’ times - ‘Peak and off-peak electricity times explained‘.

Defrost your food naturally

Relying on microwaves for defrosting can be an energy drain. Instead, plan ahead and thaw food in the refrigerator. This energy-smart strategy also aids in meal planning.

Modify your life admin

Save energy on laundry days

Cold water washes are kind to your fabrics and your energy bill, all while keeping your clothes looking vibrant. For the best results, use a detergent specifically designed for cold washes.

Use your dishwasher wisely

Your dishwasher is most efficient when fully loaded. Fill it up before starting a cycle to maximise energy savings. Scrape off the food and crumbs from your dirty dishes instead of rinsing them under running water.

Air is free – use it!

Don't overlook the power of air-drying clothes. While it might require a bit more patience, the rewards for your wallet are worth the wait.

With these strategies, you’ll give yourself a good shot at more energy-efficient living. Speaking of efficiency, do you have the right insurance for your needs? Take a look at what AAMI has to offer today!

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