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A guide to probate: what you need to know

If a loved one has recently passed, you’ll want to know what to do about the will – particularly if you’re the executor.

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What life insurance options are there for couples?

It’s important to discuss life insurance when you reach the next step with your partner. Read our guide on life insurance for couples to get on top of the basics.

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Do you need a power of attorney?

Have you been wondering if it’s time to appoint a power of attorney?

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Tips for your life insurance application

Considering applying for life insurance? Buying life insurance with AAMI Life is easy. Find out the process and what you should consider. Click to get a quote today.

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What is indexation in insurance?

Indexation ensures that the sum you’re insured for is adjusted for inflation. Click to learn more about indexation and how it may affect your insurance policy.

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Why do I need life insurance?

It’s never something you want to think about, but will your loved ones be able to financially survive if you’re sick or injured, or upon your death?

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