optional cover

Portable Valuables Cover

Extra cover for handbags, laptops, mobile phones and a range of other items that you’re likely to take outside your home.

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optional cover for

Home & Contents and Contents Only Insurance

Unspecified Portable Valuables

Extra protection for accidental loss or damage to valuable personal belongings, such as handbags and cameras, at or away from the insured address anywhere in Australia and New Zealand. Jewellery and watches can be covered anywhere in the world for up to 30 consecutive days, but only while being worn by you or while in a secure safe.

We pay up to a maximum of $1,000 per item, pair, set or collection, up to the total sum insured you’ve chosen, within the range we offer.

what's covered?

  • Jewellery and watches
  • Handbags and wallets
  • Sporting, recreational and leisure goods when not in use. We will cover bicycles (not e-bicycles) while in use, but not while being used for racing or pace-making
  • Photographic and optical equipment
  • Glasses and sunglasses

Policy document downloads

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

Specified Portable Valuables

Some items need to be specified separately, as they are not covered as unspecified items.

what's covered?

  • Laptops
  • Mobile or satellite phones
  • Electronic tablets (eg. iPads)
  • Drones
  • Personal transportation vehicles
  • GPS or navigational devices
  • Motorised golf carts
  • Motorised wheel chairs or mobility scooters
  • Items from the unspecified category worth over $1,000

Policy document downloads

Product Disclosure Statement (PDS)

Portable Valuables

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Portable Valuables

Frequently asked questions

Get it now

How to get AAMI Extra Cover Portable Valuables optional cover

How do I get specified portable items?

Complete a Home Insurance quote online, note down your ‘Quote Number’, call 1300 727 452, and ask us to insure the specified item.


Select the AAMI Portable Valuables Optional Cover when you get an AAMI Home Contents Insurance quote. AAMI Portable Valuables will automatically be added to your quote when applying. How to get Specified Portable Valuables.

Get an AAMI Home Contents quote


Call us on 13 22 44 to add Portable Valuables and/or Specified Portable Items to your AAMI Home Contents Insurance policy.

Find my policy

How do I get specified portable items?

Complete a Home Insurance quote online, note down your ‘Quote Number’, call 1300 727 452, and ask us to insure the specified item.