Car insurance health check


When was the last time you gave your car insurance policy a check-up? Just as your car needs regular maintenance, your car insurance also needs attention every now and then. Conducting a car insurance health check ensures that you have the right coverage for your needs – and that you're not paying more than you have to.

What is a car insurance health check?

A car insurance health check involves carefully reviewing various aspects of your policy to identify:

  • gaps in coverage
  • outdated information, or
  • opportunities to save money.

This allows you to make informed decisions about your policy and potentially reduce your premiums without compromising on coverage. Sounds great, right?

A few things you can check

There are a few simple things you can review to make sure your AAMI Car Insurance premiums are what they should be. And if you do want to make some changes, you can do so quickly and easily via My Account.

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Your excess: Pay now, save later

Your excess is the amount you pay when making a claim. Consider adjusting your excess to a higher amount, as it can offer lower premiums. However, make sure you choose an excess that you can afford to pay if an incident occurs where you may need to make a claim. Finding the right balance between your excess and potential savings is essential. Learn more about paying excess on your car insurance.

Payment frequency: Annually vs monthly

How often do you pay your premiums? If you're currently paying monthly, it might be worth considering an annual payment. Monthly instalments may give you flexibility, but you pay less overall when you pay in one annual lump sum. Learn more about paying your car insurance monthly vs annually.

Your address: Keep it up to date

Has your address changed recently? Your location can impact your premiums, especially if you've moved to an area with a lower risk of accidents or theft. Make sure your insurer has your current address to ensure accurate pricing and coverage.

Amount covered: Get it right

Review the amount your car is insured for. Is it still an accurate representation of your car's value? Adjusting the insured amount based on your car's current market value can help you avoid paying higher premiums for coverage you may not need.

Your car's details: Accuracy matters

Ensure that all the details of your car are accurate. Providing precise information about your vehicle can help prevent any discrepancies or issues in the event of a claim. Review the car’s:

  • make
  • model, and
  • listed modifications.

Finance: keep it updated

If you've paid off your car loan or changed finance providers, update your policy accordingly. Changes in your financing arrangements can impact your policy and premiums, so it's essential to keep your insurer informed.

Listed drivers: Keep it relevant

Review the listed drivers on your policy. Are there any drivers who no longer use your vehicle? Removing outdated drivers can help lower your premiums.

Tips for saving on car insurance

Buy your car insurance online: Convenient and cost-effective

Many insurance providers offer discounts for customers who purchase their policies online. Buying car insurance online is not only convenient but can also save you money. 

For example, when you buy a new AAMI Comprehensive Car Insurance policy online, you can get a $50 discount. You can still choose what features suit you best and enjoy the flexibility of setting the amount that you’re covered for.

There’s also a $20 discount on AAMI Third Party Car Insurance when you buy a new policy online – if that’s the policy that suits you best.

Take the time to compare different policies and explore online options to take advantage of potential discounts.

Compare AAMI Car Insurance Products

Drive safely: Be rewarded for responsible driving

Maintaining a clean driving record can qualify you for a safe driver discount. Avoiding accidents and traffic violations demonstrates responsible driving behaviour, and many insurance providers offer discounts to safe drivers, like AAMI Safe Driver Rewards*. AAMI Safe Driver Rewards is only available to AAMI Comprehensive Car Insurance customers. Learn more about this coverage today.

Drive less, pay less? It's possible

The amount you pay for AAMI Car Insurance premiums is influenced by how much you drive. If you don’t use your car very often, ensure your policy reflects that. It may result in lower premiums – and more money in your back pocket. Keep your insurance provider informed about any changes in your driving habits.

How to reduce the kilometres listed on your policy

No need to sit in a queue on the phone – this can easily be done via My Account. Simply:

  1. Log in to your AAMI My Account and select Car Insurance policy.
  2. Click the pencil icon that says, 'Update policy'.
  3. Go to the 'Kilometre per year' field and update away!

If making this change reduces your premium, the amount will be displayed immediately after you’ve made the change.

Don’t have a My Account yet? Register for one and get started.

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Other ways to save

Keep your policy up to date

Regularly review your policy details and make sure all information is accurate and up to date. This helps ensure you have the right coverage and prevents complications during the claims process.

To save you time and effort, we’ve made it possible to do several things directly through your AAMI Online Services account or the AAMI App.

Read more:


*AAMI Safe Driver Rewards is a percentage of last year's AAMI Comprehensive Car Insurance premium (prior to the application of any Safe Driver Rewards Credit), and is applied as a credit to next year's premium.

Insurance issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as AAMI. Read the Product Disclosure Statement before buying this insurance. Target Market Determination is also available. This advice has been prepared without taking into account your particular objectives, financial situations or needs, so you should consider whether it is appropriate for you before acting on it.

The information is intended to be of general nature only. Subject to any rights you may have under any law, we do not accept any legal responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss of business or profits or any other indirect loss, incurred as a result of reliance upon the information. Please make your own enquiries.